Student Blogger: Carly Galbreth

Student Blogger: Carly Galbreth

Hey guys! My name is Carly Galbreth, and I'm a freshman at Wake Forest University. I'm double majoring in Theatre (BA) and Politics & International Affairs. I love everything about theatre, and it is definitely going to be involved in my life forever. Currently, I'm having the most incredible time learning and creating art at Wake, and I'm so excited to share my experiences with the BroadwayWorld community!

LEARN MORE ABOUT Student Blogger: Carly Galbreth

First Show:

Aladdin (original cast!)

Favorite Show:

I have so many favorite shows, but my top two are Moulin Rouge and Come From Away. I saw both during high school, and they were very influential in my performing and view of theatre. Obviously, both have incredible soundtracks.


Student Blog: A Different Perspective on Cheating
Student Blog: A Different Perspective on Cheating
June 1, 2024

College opens many opportunities. Some of them are enriching, like performances and internships. Others, like cheating and using artificial intelligence, can jeopardize learning. The fear of punishment from professors and the university are threatening, but my greatest motivation against cheating is my desire to be prepared after graduation.

Student Blog: The Power of 'Yes'
Student Blog: The Power of 'Yes'
May 20, 2024

Two months into college, I auditioned for The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. I was not cast in the show. After moving on from the frustration of rejection, I began to say “yes” to every opportunity that presented itself. These led to new experiences, a job, and an exciting internship! Read this article to learn about a few of my 'Yes's.

Student Blog: Warning: College Finals Are Actually Really Hard
Student Blog: Warning: College Finals Are Actually Really Hard
May 11, 2024

No one warns you about how difficult finals are in college (or at least I wasn't warned). Not only are they academically challenging, but the end of the year approaches, all you want to do is spend time with your friends and enjoy the sunny weather. Here's my official warning to you, as well as some advice on how you will make it to the other side!

Student Blog: The Show Must Go On!
Student Blog: The Show Must Go On!
April 21, 2024

How do a broken pit, unfinished set, and a sick actor result in six incredible performances of Urinetown (the musical!)? Love, determination, and a bit of theatre magic!

Student Blog: Academic Crossovers
Student Blog: Academic Crossovers
March 25, 2024

I obviously learn a lot about theatre from my theatre and music classes, but I’ve discovered the greatest beauty of a liberal arts education are the unexpected moments in which I experience theatre outside of the arts building. These experiences are helping me realize how applicable theatre is in all aspects of life. People are quick to criticize artistic and performance degrees, saying they produce false hopes that result in unemployment. However, I know my theatre degree will be relevant forever, even if I don’t pursue performing.

Student Blog: The Busy Life of a Theatre Student
Student Blog: The Busy Life of a Theatre Student
March 18, 2024

Juggling classes, rehearsals, work, and friendships can be very difficult in college, especially as a theatre major. This semester, I’m taking two theatre classes, two politics classes, two voice lessons, and I’m singing in choir. In addition to the time I spend physically in classes, each demands significant work outside of class. Over the past semester, I’ve developed a few tools that help me prioritize all of my responsibilities that I want to share.

Student Blog: AZAD
Student Blog: AZAD
February 28, 2024

I had no idea what I was signing up for when I agreed to be the assistant stage manager for a workshop at my university, Wake Forest.

Student Blog: Back to School as a Theatre BA Student
Student Blog: Back to School as a Theatre BA Student
February 19, 2024

I blinked, and I’m four weeks into my second semester of freshman year at Wake Forest University. Already, I've been assistant stage manager of a professional workshop and started a new job in the scene shop. I have so many exciting theatre opportunities on the horizon in the coming months!
