Alba Alonso Casilda - Page 3

Alba Alonso Casilda She was born in Madrid. She is studying Journalism and Media Studies at University Carlos III, and she has worked with, a Spanish website dedicated to musical theatre. She has always been interested in performing arts and, as a professional journalist, she wants to blend her love for literature, theatre and photograph. This chance to collaborate with BroadwayWorld means a very important step forward for her and she's excited about working in a worldwide team such as this one.

Photo Flash: Backstage en el Coliseum
Photo Flash: Backstage en el Coliseum
March 28, 2010

El 27 de marzo de 2010, Día Mundial del Teatro, el Teatro Coliseum se encargó de iniciar una visita cultural de la Gran Vía Madrileña que acabaría en la Plaza de Callao.
